Working at UW : University of Wisconsin–Madison
The Hamel Music Center is pictured at dusk at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Sept. 18, 2019.

Employee News

July 27, 2024

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Chancellor Blank to Become President of Northwestern University

Chancellor Rebecca Blank will leave the University of Wisconsin–Madison at the end of the 2021-22 academic year to become the president of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. During the past eight years at UW–Madison, Blank has focused on enhancing the student experience and educational outcomes, continuing to elevate the university’s world-class faculty, and securing the financial stability of the university. In an email sent to the UW community on Monday, Oct. 11, the chancellor said, “I want to thank the many staff and faculty who have been partners and collaborators in everything we’ve done.”
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Benefits Enrollment Session Available Online

The Annual Benefits Enrollment period is currently underway and will end at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 22, 2021. Employees who need more information in order to make informed decisions about benefits may wish to attend a virtual presentation of “Benefits 2022: What You Need to Know.” This one-hour session includes a review of 2022 benefits changes, information on how to enroll, and time for questions and answers. The last sessions are scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. and Friday, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m. Pre-registration is required. The recorded presentation can be viewed on YouTube. Links to these and other resources can be found at
Icon for Payroll Information

Employees Can Save for Retirement with UW 403(b) Program

University of Wisconsin System employees are eligible for the UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP), formerly the Tax-Sheltered Annuity 403(b) Program, a voluntary supplemental retirement savings plan. Employees can invest a portion of their income for retirement on either a pre-tax basis, an after-tax basis (Roth), or a combination of both. Participation is voluntary, with employees making the entire contribution; there is no employer match. Resources are available on the UW 403(b) SRP web page to help employees learn more and enroll in the program. UW System has recently announced that there will be upcoming enhancements to the UW 403(b) SRP. These changes will be reviewed in future communications, including a virtual Town Hall (see "Educational Resources") scheduled for October 26, 2 p.m., via WebEx.
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Submit Events for Homecoming Calendar

Wisconsin Homecoming Committee and the Wisconsin Union invite UW‒Madison departments and registered student organizations (RSOs) to submit events for the official Homecoming event calendar. Events must take place between October 24-31, be free and open to the public, and be submitted by October 15.
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