Working at UW : University of Wisconsin–Madison
The Hamel Music Center is pictured at dusk at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Sept. 18, 2019.

Employee News

July 27, 2024

Icon for Smart Restart

Online Smart Restart Forum to Address Employee Questions

As part of Smart Restart, an online forum for faculty and staff will be held at noon on Thursday, Aug. 13. Chancellor Rebecca Blank, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration Laurent Heller, Chief Human Resources Officer Mark Walters and other panelists will answer the most frequently asked questions from employees and governance leads. They will also discuss topics gathered from the survey emailed to employees last week. The forum will focus on issues such as employee health and safety, facilities modifications, positive case reporting, accommodations, benefits and leave, transportation, and childcare and caregiving flexibilities. Employees are encouraged to email questions to before and during the session. The forum will be streamed live and will be available for viewing later on the UW–Madison YouTube channel.
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COVID-19 Testing Offered on Campus

University Health Services (UHS) is offering no-cost COVID-19 testing to students, faculty and staff on campus. You can make an appointment for testing using the MyUHS web portal at All UW–Madison students and employees have a MyUHS account. To prepare for your test, log in to your MyUHS account and make sure your Profile details are correct. Go to Forms to review and sign the UHS Information and Consent Form. Then go to Appointments to schedule a COVID-19 test. For details, go to
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Guidelines Issued for Positive COVID-19 Test Reporting

UW–Madison has developed protocols for what to do when individuals working, living or learning on campus test positive for COVID-19. This includes contact tracing to notify others who may have been in close contact with a COVID-positive individual, providing necessary cleaning to workspaces and classrooms, and assisting Housing residents who must be isolated or quarantined.     University Health Services (UHS) will automatically receive all results for tests conducted by UW–Madison or reported to Public Health Madison & Dane County. There is no need to report these results. However, all employees who receive a test from public health agencies or health care providers outside of Dane County are expected to report their positive test results to UHS. To report your test results using the online form, log in to your MyUHS account and click on Messages, select New Message, and then choose COVID-19 Outside Result Reporting. Those who are unable to access the online form can send a secure email to or call (608) 890-0000. UHS will follow up on every confirmed positive COVID-19 test report. For additional details, go to
Icon for Professional Development Information

TeachOnline@UW Opens Fall Sessions

TeachOnline@UW is a free instructor learning community for those who are developing and plan to teach an online credit course. Participants explore research-based online course design and teaching best practices in two courses: Plan & Design and Facilitation & Management. Applications are due August 20 for the fall Plan & Design course and October 12 for Facilitation & Management. For details and to apply, visit
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