Working at UW : University of Wisconsin–Madison
Tonia Pittman, assistant director of University Housing Residence Halls Facilities, is pictured in her office at Turner House at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on March 20, 2018. Pittman is one of eight recipients of a 2018 University Staff Recognition Award.

Employee News

July 27, 2024

Icon for General University Information

Outside employment reporting for University Staff

UW–Madison University Staff employees are not prohibited from accepting additional jobs outside the university if the job does not interfere with their UW duties. UW System policy prohibits University Staff employees from accepting outside employment that causes a conflict of interest with their university employment. If a University Staff member is considering or is currently working at an additional job outside the UW, they need to determine if the outside job duties may be in conflict with their UW job duties. In these situations, employees should provide details about the outside employment to their supervisor. The supervisor will let the employee know if they are able to proceed or continue with the outside employment. University Staff members who are not sure whether they need to take action or have questions about the policy should speak with their supervisor.
Icon for Professional Development Information

New conference for research staff launches

The inaugural Research Staff Professional Development Conference will take place Wednesday, June 20, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. (with registration and continental breakfast at 8 a.m.) in Cooper Hall at the School of Nursing. The conference will focus on the professional development needs of research staff who work as laboratory technicians or laboratory managers across campus. This free event will feature breakout sessions, a keynote presentation, and complimentary lunch. For details and to register by June 11, visit
Icon for Important Date Information

Deadline approaching for Teaching and Learning Symposium

The annual Teaching and Learning Symposium will take place on Thursday, May 17 at Union South. This day-long event brings together members of the UW–Madison teaching community to share best practices, celebrate accomplishments, and discuss new learning and teaching practices and theories. Event features include a keynote presentation, breakout sessions, a poster session, lunch, and networking. UW-Madison faculty, staff, post-doctoral students, and graduate students are welcome to attend at no cost. The registration deadline is May 10.
Icon for Information About Ideas

Learning community helps with online teaching

TeachOnline@UW is now accepting applications for the 2018–2019 program for UW–Madison faculty and instructional staff who will be teaching fully online courses in the next two years. This unique learning community helps UW–Madison instructors explore and implement research-based online course design and teaching best practices. Two courses are included: “Plan & Design” and “Facilitation and Management.”
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