Working at UW : University of Wisconsin–Madison
Tonia Pittman, assistant director of University Housing Residence Halls Facilities, is pictured in her office at Turner House at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on March 20, 2018. Pittman is one of eight recipients of a 2018 University Staff Recognition Award.

Employee News

July 27, 2024

Icon for Payroll Information

First of Two Pay Adjustments Becomes Effective in July

As previously announced, UW–Madison Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointees will receive a 2 percent pay increase in July under the 2017–2019 pay plan. The pay plan establishes a 4 percent increase that will be phased in, with the first 2 percent increase taking effect in July 2018 and the second two percent in January of 2019. Employees who are paid monthly will see the increase on their earnings statement for July, paid on August 1. For employees who are paid hourly, the increase became effective June 24 and will appear on the earnings statement dated July 19. To be eligible to receive the pay plan increases, individuals must have been employed in their current positions by January 8, 2018, must have completed UW–Madison’s sexual harassment prevention training, and must have met performance expectations as identified in their last performance evaluation. Employees with questions should speak with their local human resources contact.
Icon for General University Information

You Can Contribute to a Drug-Free Workplace

All faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to help make UW–Madison a drug-free workplace. You can do this by learning the facts about substance abuse, encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and knowing where to go for help with a drug or alcohol problem—either for yourself or someone else. Please review the laws and expectations regarding substance abuse, which apply to all members of the UW–Madison community. More information can be found at
Icon for Professional Development Information

Program Focuses on Classroom Discussion

The Discussion Project, developed by the School of Education, is a professional development program designed to strengthen UW–Madison’s campus-wide capacity to create welcoming, engaging, and academically rigorous classroom discussion. Applications for the fall 2018 cohort are now being accepted from UW–Madison faculty and teaching staff. To learn more, visit the Discussion Project website.
Icon for Important Date Information

Blend@UW Deadline Approaching

Applications for the Blend@UW August 20–24 session are due July 6. Blend@UW, a Faculty Engagement program from DoIT Academic Technology, helps instructors design blended courses that foster deep, more active learning for students. There is no cost to attend.
Icon for Campus Celebrations

Working at UW on Holiday Break

The next issue of Working at UW newsletter will be published on Wednesday, July 11. Enjoy the Fourth of July holiday!
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