Working at UW : University of Wisconsin–Madison
Kristin Shutts, associate professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, talks with a group of graduate students during a lab meeting in the Brogden Psychology Building on Feb. 20, 2019. Shutts is a recipient of a 2019 Distinguished Teaching Award.

Employee News

July 27, 2024

Icon for Safety Information

Employee Input Invited on UWPD Communications

The UW–Madison Police Department (UWPD) is seeking input on the many ways the department communicates with the campus community. Employees received a link to a brief survey from Chief Kristen Roman on Tuesday, March 22. The survey includes questions about the usefulness of UWPD communications, preferred communications methods, and more. Direct feedback can also be shared. The survey, which closes on Tuesday, April 12, can be found at
Icon for Professional Development Information

Suicide Prevention Training for Faculty and Staff

Recognize, Respond, Refer: Suicide Prevention Training for Faculty and Staff is available in Canvas. The training, developed by University Health Services, offers information and guidance designed to help faculty and staff support student mental health, intervene, and prevent suicide. The self-guided training does not give immediate or crisis support and is not a form of counseling. Instead, it prepares faculty and staff to be better able to support UW–Madison students in the future. The training can be found at
Icon for Information About Ideas

Showcase 2022 Resources Available Online

Resources from Showcase 2022, which took place on March 8, are now available on the Showcase website. These include a recording of the keynote presentation by Chancellor Rebecca Blank and breakout session summaries and materials. The site also provides a PDF of all posters from the event, as well as a recording of the poster flash talks, which provide a high level overview of selected campus projects. Visit to learn more.
Icon for General University Information

Help Make UW–Madison a Drug-Free Workplace

All faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute to a drug-free workplace. You can do this by learning the facts about substance abuse, encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and knowing where you or others can go for help with a drug or alcohol problem. The laws and expectations regarding substance abuse apply to all members of the UW–Madison campus community. You can review this information and find resources for drug and alcohol abuse prevention at
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