
Your Employee Resource

The University of Wisconsin–Madison can be a big place, with more than 21,000 faculty, staff, and graduate assistants contributing to our campus. With so many people working to support the Wisconsin Idea, employee communication is vital to our success.

Working at UW is designed to be your employee home base, bringing together all of the resources you need in one place. Explore this site and discover information, news, tools, and services to help you be an effective, connected part of this amazing university.

To learn more about UW–Madison’s commitment to employee communication, read our statement of values.

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News for Employees

  • Campus leaders affirm commitment to UW–Madison mission amid uncertainty

    On Friday, Feb. 28, 2025, Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin and Provost Charles Isbell Jr. emailed a message to all students, faculty, and staff. The message provided some updates on recent activity at the federal level and detailed ways that UW–Madison leaders continue to assess the implications of these actions and respond across multiple levels. Mnookin and Isbell also affirmed that UW–Madison will be guided by our commitment to our mission of excellence in teaching, research and service as well as to our commitment to the values that help support that excellence. The full message is available in six languages at news.wisc.edu.

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  • Upcoming open houses provide a hands-on preview of Workday

    UW–Madison employees are invited to get a hands-on preview of Workday at two upcoming open houses. The open houses will offer a self-guided preview, allowing employees to explore Workday features such as the home page, pay slips, tax elections, time and absence functions, and more. On Tuesday, March 18, the Workday open house will be offered 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at the Academic Staff Institute at Union South. On Thursday, April 17, the open house will be held 10 a.m.–4 p.m. in conjunction with Showcase 2025, also at Union South. The open houses are offered on a drop-in basis at no cost; registration for the events is not required.

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  • Multilingual sessions for employees to review retirement benefits

    UW‒Madison Benefits Services and Cultural Linguistic Services will be presenting two sessions to help employees learn about their UW retirement benefits and how to prepare for a secure financial future. A late-night session for second and third shift employees will be held on Thursday, March 27, 11 p.m.‒1 a.m. at the Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC). A daytime session will be held on Wednesday, April 2, 9:30—11:30 a.m. at Gordon Dining & Event Center. Both sessions will be offered in English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan, Chinese, and Nepali. No registration is required, and employees may attend on their work time. Supervisors are encouraged to approve employee requests to attend.

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  • Webinar teaches skills to improve sleep and enhance well-being

    LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, The Stress–Sleep Correlation, on Tuesday, March 18, noon‒1 p.m. This webinar teaches skills that can help participants make changes to their daily routine and get better sleep. Participants will learn about the benefits of sleep, causes and effects of poor sleep, and healthy sleep habits. The webinar is offered at no cost to all UW‒Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link.

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  • New guide to checking documents for accessibility using built-in tools

    The Center for User Experience has published a new Document Testing guide that walks users through checking accessibility in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Google Docs, Slides and PDFs, using each platform’s built-in tools. The guide offers practical tips and testing methods to help identify and fix accessibility barriers when creating course materials, reports, presentations, and more.

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  • Resources preview how procurement will change in Workday

    As part of the Administrative Transformation Program (ATP), UW‒Madison will transition to Workday, a cloud-based software platform that will streamline and simplify administrative processes. This includes procurement tasks completed by staff who place orders or approve purchases and payables. Starting in July 2025, most of the steps in the procurement process that take place in ShopUW+ will move into Workday, while use of the ShopUW+ catalogs will be retained. Learn more about procurement in the ATP What’s Changing series. You can access these and other What Workday Means for You resources with your UW login.

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  • WIAA tournaments to affect campus parking and traffic

    The 2025 WIAA State Tournaments kick off this week. The UW–Madison campus will host more than 125,000 visitors for individual wrestling (Feb. 27–March 1) and boys’ basketball (March 20–22). These events will impact parking and traffic around the Kohl Center. Permit holders who are asked to relocate will receive notification from Transportation Services. For details, visit transportation.wisc.edu.

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  • Coaching Community of Practice to launch this spring

    Learning and Talent Development is assessing interest in a new Community of Practice (CoP) focused on coaching. Coaching is an approach that can help others be more effective, using dialogue to create awareness and encourage action. Coaching skills are useful for managers and can also be helpful when working collaboratively with colleagues. The new Coaching CoP will be open to all UW–Madison employees regardless of past coaching experience or role on campus. To express interest, please complete the online interest survey by March 15. Those who complete the survey will be added to the list to be notified of future meetings.

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  • Nominations open for FP&M Recognition Awards

    Each year, Facilities Planning & Management (FP&M) recognizes employees whose work adds value to UW‒Madison. Nominations are now being accepted for the FP&M 2025 Employee Recognition Awards. FP&M staff work behind the scenes keeping campus running day and night. They are responsible for the planning, maintenance, operations, safety, and sustainability of all 939 acres of campus. Any member of the campus community can nominate an FP&M employee or team for an award. Complete the nomination form online or print and submit a form in any of six languages. The nomination deadline is March 17. Learn more at go.wisc.edu/nominate-fpm.

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  • UW‒Madison ranked among 'America's Best Large Employers'

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison ranked in the top 701 among “America’s Best Large Employers” for 2025 in a survey by Forbes. UW–Madison came in at No. 199 on the list of employers with more than 5,000 employees. Fifteen private and public sector employers with headquarters in the state of Wisconsin were recognized in the 2025 rankings, with UW–Madison ranking third.

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