Employee Toolkit

In a work setting as sprawling as our campus, it’s not always easy to figure out where to go when you need to get something done that’s outside of your usual responsibilities and tasks. Here is a roundup of tools and services to help get you started.

Facility Maintenance and Office Space

For a campus building emergency, call Physical Plant Customer Service at 3-3333 (608-263-3333). If Customer Service does not answer, dial zero to be transferred to the contracted call center. That center is able to relay critical information quickly.

Event Management

Reserving Conference Rooms

Meeting rooms are generally managed building-by-building. Here’s how to find a conference room in some of the most widely used spaces:


On-campus events must be catered by either the Wisconsin Union or University Housing. Both offer extensive menus with options within the state per diem rates.

Catering in the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Building is handled by Steenbock’s on Orchard.

Information Technology

Help Desks

Guides and Documentation

Tools and Services

  • Qualtrics
    UW–Madison has a license to this online survey software. You will need your NetID to log in.
  • BOX
    Document storage and collaboration. You will need your NetID to log in.
  • PI Portal
    One-stop dashboard for all faculty and staff engaged in research.
  • Google Apps
    There are a variety of Google tools for collaboration and managing your work that can be accessed using your NetID.
  • ARROW (research protocol submission tool)
    For submitting an application for research oversight.
  • Shop@UW+
    ShopUW+, the University of Wisconsin purchasing and payables platform, is the single point of entry for catalog orders, requisitions, purchase orders, direct payments (DPs) and payments to individuals (PIRs). To access training, resources, support and the platform, visit the ShopUW+ Essentials website


Wisconsin state law requires all state universities to purchase any and all printing and copying services through a state-run printing office or have the job bid by a state agency using state contracts. There are several printing providers at UW–Madison.

Travel and Expenses

Please be sure to reach out to your school, college or division for specific travel and expense reimbursement guidelines in case they differ from what is below.

New Platform for Purchasing and Payables

ShopUW+, the University of Wisconsin purchasing and payables platform, launched April 2021. For information visit the ShopUW+ Essentials website.

Updated Tool for Grants Financial Management

A new and improved PI Financials Tool has been launched to assist with grant budget planning and management. New features include “what if” scenario options and salary data by project.

Are you hosting a visitor to campus?

Start your planning with information on:

Outside Activities Reporting

Faculty and staff are encouraged to share their expertise in the private sector, but please make sure you have an updated Conflict of Interest and Outside Activities Report on file.