News for Employees

  • New Fringe Benefit Rates

    New fringe benefit rates are effective July 1, 2016 for UW-Madison and UW-Extension. These rates will be used when charging the employer’s contribution to fringe benefits on all new and ongoing extramural projects. Rates are based on the actual costs of benefits paid during the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The increases in the rates are attributable to an increase in the University’s contributions for health insurance and retirement costs. We appreciate your assistance in assuring that all extramural projects with an anticipated date of July 1, 2016 or later utilize the new rates.

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  • Terrace After Dark

    Sunny days and sunsets never get old, but nighttime on the Terrace is something truly spectacular. A summer-long program that blends music and film with warm summer nights in one of Madison’s most popular places, Terrace After Dark is your perfect excuse for kicking back, catching some great entertainment and letting your cares float away. Films on Mondays and select Sundays, and live music the rest of the week. These free events are intended for UW-Madison students, faculty, staff and Wisconsin Union members and their guests.

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  • Summer Dining at the Union

    Feeling hungry after your fun summer activities? Grab a bite at the Memorial Union’s der Stiftskeller, the Brat Stand, Sunset Lounge or the Daily Scoop. Closer to Union South? The Sett, the Daily Scoop, Urban Slice, Harvest Grains, Ginger Root and Prairie Fire are all open! Many of the Wisconsin Union’s cafes and markets are also open for you to enjoy throughout the summer.

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  • Summer Road Work

    Crews will use the summer to improve campus streets, meaning temporary closures throughout the summer. Dates depend upon weather and other conditions. Check with Metro Transit for a rolling schedule of bus detours to accommodate the construction.

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  • Director of Human Resources Retires

    After nearly six years as the Director of the Office of Human Resources, Bob Lavigna will be retiring from his position as of July 1. He has played an important role on our campus, not the least of which was shepherding the university through HR Design. We wish him luck in his future endeavors. Mark Walters, OHR Director of Operations will serve as interim Director of OHR until a replacement has been appointed. A campus-wide search and screen committee is currently in formation.

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  • Onsite Wellness Assessments: July 19

    Are you an employee carrying health insurance through UW-Madison that is being administered by ETF? Consider participating in the Well Wisconsin program to qualify for a $150 (taxable) reward from your health insurer. Plus it’s a great way to learn more about your current health status and potential risks in your future. Free appointments available Tuesday, July 19, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bascom 260.

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  • Beware of Email Scam

    Scammers are always seeking ways to gain your trust, and your credentials. The latest attempt in your InBox late last week looks like it is coming from UW-Madison, complete with logo. Ironically it states that due to a flood of scam email to “ servers,” you are directed to click on a link to update your account. New, seemingly more creative attempts arrive each week. Do not fall for them. To report an apparent spam or scam, forward it to so the UW Office of Cybersecurity can investigate and take appropriate action.

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  • UWPD Chief Riseling Announces Retirement

    After 25 years of service to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, UW Police Chief Sue Riseling will retire in August and lead the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). Her last day on campus is August 7. Assistant Chief Brian Bridges will serve as interim chief.

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  • Ice Cream Contest

    Ever wish you could design your own ice cream flavor? Now is your chance. Partners in Giving is looking for a catchy new ice cream flavor to promote the annual charitable campaign, which kicks off in October. Submit your idea by June 30 — you’ll help a great cause and win some free ice cream, too!

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  • Instructor & Faculty Summer Book Groups

    Discuss evidence-based teaching practices with fellow instructors. One book group will meet Thursdays at noon from July 7-28 in 3330 Health Sciences Learning Center and the other will meet every Friday at 2:30 p.m. from July 15 through August 12 in Memorial Union. Each hour-long meeting focuses on the book, “Teaching Undergraduate Science: A Guide for Overcoming Obstacles for Student Learning,” by Linda C. Hodges. While the title focuses on science, its message is applicable to instructors in any discipline who are challenged to engage students.

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