News for Employees
Heller Named Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Laurent Heller has been named UW-Madison’s vice chancellor for finance and administration. Heller is currently assistant vice chancellor, financial planning and analysis at the University of California, Berkeley. UW-Madison’s Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration is responsible for the overall supervision of the university’s financial and administrative functions, including budget, facilities planning, business services and some student services. Heller is expected to arrive on campus Aug. 15.
Cultural Linguistic Services Earns National Honor
CLS will be nationally recognized by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources as an example of excellence in inclusion and equity to other higher education institutions at its annual conference in September. CLS provides a range of services that reach prospective and current employees in a multilingual and multi-shift work environment, including interpretation and translation in Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese.
Derek Kindle Named New Financial Aid Director
Derek Kindle has been named director of the Office of Student Financial Aid at UW–Madison. He will succeed Susan Fischer and serve as the campus authority on federal, state and institutional aid programs and will assist the university’s strategic enrollment management planning.
Summer Dining Hours
Wondering where you can grab lunch on campus during the summer? Summer hours for campus dining halls are in effect. Liz’s Market will be closed for the summer while the building goes through renovations, and some locations will have limited hours.
Job Title and Total Compensation Study Begins
UW-Madison, with the UW System, will begin a study of current job titles and compensation. This review of more than 30,000 employees across the UW System will help create sustainable ways to maintain market-informed job titles and compensation to continue to attract and retain the best talent. Existing job titles system-wide do not always accurately reflect job duties, and total compensation (defined as direct pay plus the value of benefits) may not consistently reflect the job markets where we compete. The last market comparison the UW System conducted for unclassified salary ranges was in 1986. University staff salaries have never had a comprehensive evaluation.
Draft Final Campus Master Plan Presentation: June 17
There will be a presentation on the Draft Final Campus Master Plan for the campus community (and the general public) at Union South at noon. Bring your lunch, a friend, and any questions you may have to this 60-minute presentation with discussion to follow. Check the T.I.T.U. for the room location.
The Power of LinkedIn: June 8
UW–Women in Technology is sponsoring a brown bag session on how to use LinkedIn’s connectivity power to build your network and bolster your career. Learn why most professionals should be on LinkedIn, how to create a dynamic profile, and more. Beverages and snacks will be available. Wednesday, June 8, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m, Gordon Dining and Event Center – Sonata Room (2nd floor).
Riders Needed
Join the Wisconsin State Vanpool program. Vanpools are groups of 8-15 commuters sharing their ride to work in a passenger van that is owned, insured and serviced by the program. Passengers share the cost of operating the van. If you like to drive, you could commute for a reduced rate!
North Lake Street Reconstruction
Reconstruction of North Lake Street between University and West Dayton began this week. North Lake Street between West Dayton and West Johnson Sreet will be closed. The block between West Johnson and University will have one northbound traffic lane. Lanes of West Johnson through the Lake Street intersection may be closed in order to install sanitary sewer across the intersection. The project is expected to be completed in mid-August.
Parking Applications Due: June 10
The deadline to apply for the first round of 2016-2017 permits is approaching. The first round of parking assignment offers will happen mid-July. If you are new to annual parking, please contact your Unit Transportation Coordinator. Afternoon, night, motorcycle and moped permits do not require an application but can be purchased on-line using eBusiness starting August 1.