News for Employees

  • Title Library features employee and manager resources

    As of July 2023, the Title and Standard Job Description Library — which has titles for all jobs at UW‒Madison — has been updated. The refreshed site works faster, has a new search function, and features resources for employees and managers. A benefits tool helps employees estimate the dollar value of their benefits elections. A new Manager/Supervisor Compensation Resources web page provides additional learning resources. To learn more, visit

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  • Pay increase for Building Trades approved

    A new collective bargaining agreement with the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, which includes campus Building Trades employees, has been approved by the Joint Committee on Employee Relations and by the state legislature and Governor Tony Evers. The agreement includes a 4.7 percent pay increase for trades members effective January 1, 2023.

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  • Leadership and Management Development Conference call for proposals

    Learning and Talent Development is hosting the annual Leadership and Management Development Conference at Union South on Wednesday, Oct.18. The conference provides emerging and advanced leaders, as well as those who are not in a direct leadership position, with professional development to enhance their skills and manage more effectively. Proposals are invited from potential speakers who would like to present 75-minute breakout sessions; these can be workshops, panel discussions, or lectures. Criteria for successful proposals and possible topics are available on the conference website. Proposals are due August 18.

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  • Help make UW–Madison a drug-free workplace

    All faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute to a drug-free workplace. You can do this by learning the facts about substance abuse, encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and knowing where you or others can go for help with a drug or alcohol problem. The laws and expectations regarding substance abuse apply to all members of the UW–Madison campus community. You can review this information and find resources for drug and alcohol abuse prevention at

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  • LifeMatters offers child care locator and other caregiving resources

    Through the Employee Assistance Office (EAO) at UW‒Madison, employees have access to the services of LifeMatters. LifeMatters provides employees with free and confidential statewide coverage, and 24/7 telephone access to professional counselors in support of employees’ personal and work-related concerns. In addition, LifeMatters offers care locators to help employees find local providers of child care, adult care, new parent services, and more — for both long-term needs and unexpected situations. To begin a search for these resources, go to the LifeMatters website, use the Quick Links, and choose Care Locators. Employee access to the LifeMatters website is provided via the EAO website at If you have questions, contact the EAO at 608-263-2987 or

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  • Webinar series explores artificial intelligence

    The “Exploring Artificial Intelligence @ UW‒Madison” webinar series dives deep into AI, the powerful emerging technology. The weekly summer series looks at various topics related to machine learning, from research opportunities and challenges to ethics, business applications, and more. The free series, hosted by DoIT and the Data Science Institute, features webinars on Fridays, 9:15‒10 a.m., via Zoom. Webinars are recorded and available for later viewing.

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  • Virtual webinar teaches mindfulness skills

    LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, Mind-Body Wellness, on Thursday, July 27, noon-1 p.m. Mind-Body Wellness offers attendees an opportunity to slow down and learn practical mindfulness exercises. The webinar is offered at no cost to all UW‒Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link. For more information, go to

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  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training for employees who do not use computers in their UW job

    All UW‒Madison employees must complete Cybersecurity Awareness Training annually. One-hour, in-person sessions will be offered only to employees who do not use computers for their UW job or who may need support using a computer. Two daytime sessions are scheduled for August 2 and one late-night session for second and third shifts will take place on August 3. Sessions will be offered in English, Spanish, Hmong, Tibetan, Chinese, and Nepali. Employees must bring their Wiscard. Employees who are not eligible for in-person training must complete their training online (available in six languages). The online training takes 30 minutes or less to complete. Employees with questions should contact their local human resources office or Cultural Linguistic Services at for language assistance.

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  • JCF allocates funding to wage increases for UW‒Madison faculty and staff

    On June 22, 2023, Wisconsin’s Joint Committee on Finance, a committee of the Wisconsin Legislature, approved a motion to provide funding to support general wage adjustments for state and UW System employees — including UW‒Madison employees — of 4 percent on July 1, 2023, and 2 percent on July 1, 2024. The proposed pay plan still needs to go to the Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) for final budget approval before it can be implemented. Following the vote by JCOER, which is not yet scheduled, a process will be developed in collaboration with UW System for implementing these wage adjustments. Additional details will be announced to faculty and staff as they become available. Learn more at

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  • Parking permit updates from Transportation Services

    Round 1 offers for 2023‒24 parking permits will be emailed July 12‒13. Round 2 applications are open July 12‒August 1 for those who did not apply in Round 1. For more information, visit

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