News for Employees

  • Individual counseling sessions on Supplemental Retirement Program

    Representatives of TIAA will be holding one-on-one counseling sessions for UW employees at Union South and Memorial Union on the UW‒Madison campus in May and June, while Fidelity will hold virtual one-on-one sessions. These sessions are a free service for participants in the UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP), as well as those considering participation. A counseling session does not obligate you to open an account with any provider. Limited appointment times are available to meet with a TIAA representative on campus or schedule virtually with Fidelity. (For online scheduling, enter “University of Wisconsin System” as your employer.) For more information on the UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program or to check out upcoming live webinars, visit

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  • Applications for 2023‒24 annual parking permits open May 10

    Transportation Services will begin accepting applications for base lot, Flex, Accessible, park and ride, and business alternate parking permits. The application deadline for early consideration is June 2, with additional deadlines through the summer. Eligible applicants will be considered automatically for the reduced cost parking program. Bus passes and other parking options will be available starting Aug. 1. The new parking year begins Sept. 1. For more information, including how to apply, visit

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  • Free webinar explains Wisconsin College Savings Program

    The Wisconsin College Savings Program is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, May 18, 11:30 a.m.‒12:30 p.m., via Microsoft Teams. In this session, Edvest 529, Wisconsin’s college savings plan, will cover what 529 College Savings Plans are and how they work, the benefits of these accounts, and other resources available to help employees and their families plan and pay for college. Individuals who open a new Edvest account between May 22 and May 31, 2023, can qualify for a special bonus of $50 or $100 with recurring contributions for at least 6 months. Join the live presentation on Teams. For information on the 529 College Savings Plan, go to

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  • Outside employment reporting for University Staff

    UW–Madison University Staff employees are not prohibited from accepting outside employment, provided that the outside employment does not interfere with their duties to the university. The Board of Regents Code of Ethics policy prohibits University Staff employees from accepting outside employment that causes a conflict of interest with their university employment. If a University Staff member is considering or is currently working an additional job outside the UW, they need to self-determine if the outside job duties are in conflict with their UW job duties. In these situations, employees should provide details about the outside employment to their supervisor. The supervisor will let the employee know if they are able to start or continue with the outside employment. University Staff who are not sure whether they need to take action or have questions about the policy should speak with their supervisor. To learn more, visit

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  • How to connect with students in need

    Some UW‒Madison students struggle with essential needs, such as having enough healthy food to eat or cleaning supplies for their apartment. The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA), through their partnership with Purposity, is helping to connect interested donors with students, so that students have the resources they need to thrive during their time at UW‒Madison. As the semester comes to a close, there are still student needs to be fulfilled, including some that would be supported by a donation as low as $20. To browse the current listing of student needs and make a donation, visit the UW‒Madison Purposity website.

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  • COVID-19 antigen test kits available on campus through May 12

    UW–Madison students and employees can request up to 10 COVID-19 antigen test kits at no cost at the distribution site at 333 East Campus Mall until 12:30 p.m. on Friday, May 12. UW-Madison’s decision to end the distribution of no-cost antigen test kits at the end of the semester is based on the expiration of the Public Health Emergency on May 11. Test kits continue to be covered by most health insurers; check with your insurer to confirm coverage. Between now and May 12, antigen test kits can be picked up on the ground floor of 333 East Campus Mall. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.‒4 p.m. (closed for lunch, noon–1 p.m.), and Friday, 9 a.m.‒12:30 p.m. You must show and swipe a valid Wiscard.

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  • Women and Leadership Symposium schedule released

    The Women and Leadership Symposium will take place on Tuesday, June 6, 8:30 a.m.‒3:30 p.m. at Union South. The keynote speaker will be Dominique Luster, a nationally recognized archivist, researcher, and storyteller who focuses on marginalized voices and the lived experiences of the Black diaspora. Luster will speak on ordinary women who defied the odds and how our lineage gives us strength as individuals and empowers us collectively. Twenty-eight breakout sessions will focus on building influence; engagement, inclusion, and diversity; relationship building; workplace skills; wellness; and more. The registration fee is $100 for UW‒Madison faculty and staff and UW affiliates. Attendance is limited; register soon to secure your participation.

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  • Feedback invited from LBGTQ+ employees

    The LGBTQ Shared Governance Committee invites LGBTQ+ staff and faculty to share what they want the committee to prioritize and advocate for in the upcoming year. Survey responses are anonymous; however, respondents may share their name and email address to stay in touch with the committee. Survey responses are requested by Friday, May 19.

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  • Next Workday Walkthrough on May 11

    When Workday goes live at every UW System institution in 2024, University Staff and Academic Staff will request absences and report time in Workday. The virtual Workday Walkthrough on Thursday, May 11, 3‒4 p.m., will provide an overview and demonstration of this functionality. Workday Walkthroughs are an introduction to Workday; they are not training. Training will begin in 2024. Learn more, find the meeting link to join this Workday Walkthrough live, or access the recording later on the ATP website with your UW login.

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  • Ideas sought for 175th anniversary website

    University Marketing is building a website to celebrate the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s 175th anniversary. All members of the UW community are invited to submit ideas for UW‒Madison events, discoveries, or milestones that have made a lasting impact beyond campus. Predictions for future UW‒Madison discoveries and achievements are also welcome, and should be submitted using this form. Select ideas will be featured on the 175th anniversary website. Submissions are due by Friday, May 5.

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