Employees Paid over Nine Months Will Transition to Biweekly Pay

All UW System employees — including UW–Madison employees — who are paid over nine months will be moved to a biweekly pay schedule. Employees who are paid over nine months and have contracts that started in August will receive a partial biweekly paycheck on September 9 for August 23–28, and will receive their first full biweekly paycheck on September 23 for August 29–September 11. Following that, biweekly paychecks will continue to be received every other Thursday. Most benefits will be split evenly over the first two paychecks each month. These employees are encouraged to review the resources available for employees paid over nine months, including a payroll timeline for employees paid over nine months, a checklist to help prepare for the transition, a paycheck estimator (Excel file download) and a pay date model (Excel file download) to view gross earnings by pay date. These resources and more can be found at hr.wisc.edu/single-payroll.

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