Nominations open for Academic Staff Excellence Awards

Each year, UW–Madison and Universities of Wisconsin honor academic staff members for their achievements and dedication to excellence. The UW‒Madison Academic Staff Excellence Awards will honor individuals in eight categories. The deadline for nominations is Monday, Jan. 27. A new award this year, the Mary Lucy Clark Distinguished Teaching Award, has a nomination deadline of Friday, Feb. 21.

In addition to the UW‒Madison awards, nominations are also welcome for the Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards from the Universities of Wisconsin. Nominations for these awards, which include both individual and program awards, must be submitted by Monday, Jan. 27. Nominations are also invited for the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award, which honors an instructional staff member, and the Regents Teaching Excellence Award for a department or program. Nominations for these two awards are due Friday, Feb. 21.

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