News for Employees
Check Your Health Insurance ID Cards
Health insurance plan ID cards for 2018 became effective January 1, 2018, and you may need to present your new cards at appointments with health care providers in the new year. You will not receive new cards if you are enrolled in the same health plan you had in 2017 unless you added or removed dependents. Employees who are now covered by Quartz received new health plan ID cards in December. If you are currently enrolled in dental, vision, or Navitus pharmacy benefits, you will not receive new cards unless certain information has changed. Review any new benefits ID cards you have received for accuracy. If you find errors, please contact the benefit plan directly.
Celebrate MLK Day on Campus January 22
UW–Madison students, faculty and staff are invited to the 2018 MLK Day Celebration on Monday, Jan. 22 from 3 to 8 p.m. in Memorial Union. The event will recognize, celebrate, and honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as the many ways UW–Madison students, faculty and staff embody Dr. King’s spirit of service. The official holiday is January 15 but will be celebrated on campus a week later. Participants are asked to register for specific breakouts either doing direct service or being engaged in a justice dialogue, a free dinner, and a keynote student panel. For details and to register, visit
Free Sessions Explain Campus Data Governance
Learn how UW–Madison manages data and the ways in which it delivers different data types to its campus users. The Office of Data Management & Analytics Services is offering three upcoming information sessions on UW–Madison’s Data Governance program and the changes that will take place as the UW Query Library is retired. New tools to better support UW–Madison’s institutional data goals will be introduced. The free sessions are scheduled for various locations on campus on Friday, Jan. 12, Tuesday, Jan. 16, and Wednesday, Jan. 17.
Hours at Campus Dining Locations Dec. 16–Jan. 20
University Housing dining locations on campus will observe special hours during the upcoming winter break. All locations will be closed Sunday, Dec. 24 and Monday, Dec. 25. Liz’s Market, located in Waters Residence Hall, 1200 Observatory Drive, is the only location that will be open from Wednesday, Dec. 27–Thursday, Jan. 11. Hours at certain locations also vary during fall exam week and at the beginning of the winter break, Saturday, Dec. 16 through Saturday, Dec. 23. Dining locations will return to regular academic year hours on Sunday, Jan. 21. For complete details, go to
Winter Break Schedules for Campus and City Buses
UW Transportation Services would like to remind everyone that campus bus operations will shift for winter break. From Saturday, Dec. 23–Monday, Jan. 22, campus buses will be on “Recess Service.” There will be no service on December 24–25 or on December 31–January 1. Regular campus service hours resume on Tuesday, Jan. 23. Madison Metro bus service from the City of Madison will operate on holiday schedules December 24–25 and January 1.
Workshops Offer New Ways to Teach in Canvas
Instructors and teaching assistants can prepare for the new semester by attending “Teaching Effectively in Canvas” sessions in early January. Attendees will gain strategies for using the learning management system to free up their own time and increase student learning. Registration is now open for sessions on applying learning principles, assessment, interactive learning, and individual learning. DoIT Academic Technology will also offer technical trainings in early January for people who would like to learn more about getting started, file management, student wayfinding, and managing grades in Canvas.
Jan. 2 is Monthly Pay Date for December Earnings
For UW–Madison employees who are paid on the first of each month, the monthly pay date for December 2017 earnings will be Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018. To avoid tax-related issues, the January 1 pay date for December earnings is paid in the new calendar year and must be the first “official banking business day” following the New Year’s holiday.
Working at UW to Return After Winter Break
This will be the final edition of Working at UW newsletter for 2017. Watch for our next edition on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018. Happy holidays to all!
Update Your Address Now for W-2 Form Distribution
As the end of 2017 approaches, it is important to have your current address on file for W-2 Tax Form distribution. In late January 2018, your 2017 W-2 Form will be sent via U.S. mail to your mailing address as listed in the MyUW portal. Make sure your W-2 Form is sent to your preferred address by logging in to the MyUW portal at and updating your address as needed in the “Personal Information” module. Please update your address by January 5, 2018.
Thrive@UW–Madison Courses Now Open
Several Thrive@UW–Madison course offerings are now available for Spring 2018, including a new course, “Expanding Self-Knowledge to Adapt and Thrive.” Through these courses, individuals develop the knowledge and skills they need to contribute effectively to healthy, inclusive, engaging work environments. There are no pre-requisites, and courses may be taken in any sequence. This learning opportunity is free and open to all UW–Madison faculty and staff. For information or to register, please visit