News for Employees

  • Webinar teaches mindfulness to enhance well-being

    LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, Mind-Body Wellness, on Tuesday, April 23, noon‒1 p.m. Mind-Body Wellness can help participants develop the mindset to slow down, get centered, and get focused. Attendees will explore the difference between control and letting go and learn how to practice mindfulness, guided relaxation, conscious breathing, and gentle stretching. The webinar is offered at no cost to UW‒Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link.

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  • Registration open for Teaching & Learning Symposium

    Faculty, staff, and graduate students are invited to UW–Madison’s Teaching & Learning Symposium on May 16 at Union South. This year’s theme, “Shaping the Future,” highlights innovative teaching practices and technologies. The keynote speaker is Corbin M. Campbell, acting co-dean and professor at the American University School of Education and author of “Great College Teaching: Where It Happens and How to Foster It Everywhere.”

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  • Leadership in the Lab series supports emerging faculty leaders

    Applications for the second cohort in the Leadership in the Lab series, which will begin in the fall of 2024, are now being accepted. Leadership in the Lab is a semester-long, cohort program designed specifically for early-career STEM faculty who are, or will be, leading a laboratory at UW–Madison. The series consists of one in-person introductory session, followed by virtual, 90-minute weekly sessions in which participants explore values and competencies. The series incorporates leadership essentials, tangible strategies, and peer networking. Seats are limited; interested faculty should apply as soon as possible, and no later than May 2. 2024.

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  • Office of Strategic Consulting invites requests for Organizational Office Hours

    The Office of Strategic Consulting is now offering Organizational Office Hours to provide an opportunity for faculty, unit leaders, managers and supervisors, and other UW–Madison staff to explore organizational challenges or opportunities with an organizational effectiveness expert. Organizational Office Hours — available at no cost — are virtual one-hour consultations with one of the office’s internal consultants. Any faculty or staff member can submit a request form, which includes a list of general topic areas.

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  • Nominations open for Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award

    Members of the campus community are invited to submit nominations for the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding undergraduate teaching by academic staff. One academic staff member from UW–Madison will be selected as a recipient of this Universities of Wisconsin award. Nominations are submitted to campus, not to the Universities of Wisconsin. Award guidelines and required nomination materials are available on the Office of the Secretary for Academic Staff website. The nomination deadline is Monday, April 15.

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  • Recognition event for second- and third-shift employees

    UW–Madison is hosting a late-night event to recognize second- and third-shift employees on Wednesday, April 10, 10:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., in Varsity Hall at Union South. This event is part of UW–Madison’s year-long 175th Anniversary celebration. Guests will enjoy a dinner buffet and have an opportunity to take photos with Bucky Badger. Free parking will be available in select lots on campus. Employees can attend during work hours without loss of pay. Employees who are not scheduled to work during this time can also attend this event; however, they will not be paid during that time. Employees who plan to attend should tell their supervisor, and supervisors are expected to plan and provide flexibility so that all employees can join the event.

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  • Registration open for Administrative Professionals Conference

    The Administrative Professionals Conference will take place on Wednesday, April 24, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at Union South. The conference is designed for UW–Madison employees and others who would like to learn professional skills across a wide variety of topics, including career management, engagement, inclusion and diversity, leadership, workplace skills, relationship building, communication, and well-being. Registration is due April 9. The $125 fee includes the keynote, workshops, continental breakfast, and lunch. Managers and supervisors are encouraged to approve requests from staff to attend the conference.

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  • America Saves Week provides resources for financial well-being

    UW–Madison employees are invited to learn about financial well-being during America Saves Week, April 8 through April 12. The campaign encourages everyone to check in on their finances by highlighting areas that contribute to financial stability such as saving automatically, preparing for unexpected expenses, and reducing debt. Live and on-demand webinars will be offered on topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, student loan repayment, and home buying. Most webinars require pre-registration. Credit check-ups and individual counseling sessions are available by appointment or with pre-registration. Find these resources and more on the Universities of Wisconsin America Saves website at

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  • UWPD Red Cross Blood Drive on April 11

    The UW–Madison Police Department (UWPD) is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, April 11, 8 a.m.–1 p.m., at 1433 Monroe Street (next to UWPD’s main headquarters). Appointments are required. Schedule an appointment online or call 800-RED-CROSS.

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  • UW–Madison finalizes 2023–2024 compensation strategy

    UW–Madison leadership has approved a fiscal year 2023–2024 compensation strategy. This strategy will support the university’s Total Compensation Philosophy, which is to be a market-competitive employer that supports UW staff and faculty.



    The compensation strategy includes an allocation of $23.95 million in central funds to support schools, colleges, and divisions in rewarding and retaining faculty and staff, as well as assisting in addressing market-informed compensation issues. Compensation programs will include a bonus program for staff and faculty, compensation base adjustments for staff, and faculty block grants. Implementation of these programs should be completed by the end of June 2024. There will also be supplemental funding for faculty promotions and post-tenure review for the 2025 fiscal year.



    Each school, college, or division is being asked to outline its processes related to employee eligibility and distribution of the central compensation funds, and to share that information with employees in their unit. Employees must meet certain eligibility criteria to receive the base salary adjustments or one-time performance bonuses. Additional information will be provided to employees as it becomes available.

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