News for Employees

  • Professional development offerings foster organizational effectiveness

    Beginning later in February, the Office of Strategic Consulting is hosting new virtual and in-person professional development sessions for spring 2024. All sessions are offered at no cost.

    Ignite: Fueling Organizational Excellence features interactive workshops that focus on the tools and resources faculty and staff need to promote and sustain organizational excellence at UW–Madison.
    In Scope: Managing Projects at UW–Madison
    is an online series designed for managers of small- to medium-sized projects at UW–Madison. In this series, project management experts address managing projects in the university environment, introduce project management methods and resources, and facilitate conversations around common problems and solutions. A valid NetID is required to access the Canvas module associated with each In Scope session.

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  • Bills signed to provide wage increases for trade unit employees

    On Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, Governor Tony Evers signed two bills approving 4 percent wage increases for University of Wisconsin–Madison and UW System employees in the building trades collective bargaining units. The rate change will be implemented on Feb. 11, 2024, and employees will realize the rate change on their March 7, 2024, paychecks. Payment for hours in pay status from July 2, 2023, through Feb. 10, 2024, will be issued on the March 21, 2024, paycheck. Pay raises for trades employees, as part of the Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreements, were approved by the Joint Committee on Employee Relations (JCOER) in December. The agreements had to be approved by the full state legislature and the governor before implementation.

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  • Webinar teaches mindfulness skills to enhance well-being

    LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, Mind-Body Wellness, on Tuesday, Feb. 20, noon‒1 p.m. Mind-Body Wellness can help participants develop the mindset to slow down, get centered, and get focused. Attendees will explore the difference between control and letting go and learn how to practice mindfulness, guided relaxation, conscious breathing, and gentle stretching. The webinar is offered at no cost to all UW‒Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link. For more information, go to

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  • New Help Center resource answers top parking questions

    Transportation Services has introduced a new online Help Center for faculty, staff, students, and visitors to UW–Madison. The Help Center provides detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions about parking permits, accessible parking, event parking, visitor parking, and citations. To visit the Help Center, go to

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  • Nominations open for 2024 Administrative Improvement Awards

    Each year, UW–Madison celebrates members of our community who provide critical administrative support to our academic, research, and outreach mission. The Administrative Improvement Awards recognize outstanding work in process redesign/development or customer service that has resulted in improved efficiency, increased revenue channels, cost savings, or improved service delivery. Nominations are now open for individuals and teams. All current Academic Staff, University Staff, faculty, limited employees, and student employees are eligible for the award. The nomination deadline is Monday, March 4. Details and the nomination form are available at

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  • Administrative Professionals Conference call for proposals

    The Administrative Professionals Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at Union South. The conference provides professional development to UW–Madison employees and others who would like to learn professional skills across a wide range of topics. Conference planners are calling for breakout session proposals from interested speakers on any of the following topics: leadership; personal development and workplace skills; relationship building and communication; career management; equity, inclusion and diversity; and well-being. Session proposals are due by Friday, Feb. 23. Registration for the conference is open through April 9, 2024.

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  • Using Doodle to simplify scheduling

    Doodle is a free service that makes scheduling individual or group meetings quick and easy. UW–Madison has a license with Doodle that provides added benefits over a personal account. The licensed version has no advertisements and includes data encryption, protecting information from being stolen or compromised. Doodle is useful for group polls, scheduling meetings, and booking time on calendars. Doodle calendar events can be imported into Outlook, and Doodle can be used on your mobile device. Log in to the UW Doodle dashboard with your NetID.

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  • MLK Symposium features lecture and discussion

    All members of the community are invited to the MLK Symposium – An Evening with Anna Deavere Smith. The event will be held in person at The Wisconsin Union Theater, Shannon Hall, and virtually via livestream on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 5:30–7 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. and tickets are not required. The event is hosted by Student Affairs and the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement.

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  • Academic Staff Institute in March offers professional development

    The 2024 Academic Staff Institute will be held on Thursday, March 14, 7:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. at Union South. This annual professional development conference for academic staff will feature a variety of breakout sessions and a keynote presentation by Diana Harvey, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communication at UW–Madison. Schedule updates will be made available on the Institute web page, and a complete program will be sent to registrants prior to the event. There is a $20 fee to register; all attendees will receive free membership to the Madison Academic Staff Network through June 30, 2024. Register by February 28 at

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  • Employee survey to assess data classification needs

    Every day, UW–Madison employees work with data that can be classified as public, internal, sensitive, or restricted. The Data Classification Team has launched a survey to identify gaps and areas of confusion related to the current UW–Madison classification policy. The survey results will help determine how much to update the current data classification to be more consistent, useful, and applicable to everyone on campus. All employees are encouraged to take the survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is open through February 4, 2024.

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