News for Employees
Showcase 2024 invites breakout session proposals and registrations
Proposals are now being accepted from anyone interested in delivering a breakout session at Showcase 2024, the annual campus event for faculty, staff, and students that spotlights innovation and continuous improvement at UW–Madison. The event will be held in person at Union South on Thursday, April 18, 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. Breakout sessions will be an hour long and will address a broad range of topics related to organizational effectiveness. Breakout session proposals are due Friday, Feb. 9. Proposals for posters are also being accepted, and are due Thursday, March 8. Registration is now open for the event; there is no cost to attend. Learn more at
W-2 Forms now available online
The 2023 W-2 Forms (Wage and Tax Statements) are now available for all active Universities of Wisconsin employees, including UW‒Madison employees, on MyUW. To find your W-2 statement, go to > Payroll Information > Tax Statements. Paper copies will be postmarked by January 31, 2024, and sent via U.S. mail to employees who did not consent to electronic only W-2 Form distribution. Some employees will receive additional tax forms from the Universities of Wisconsin. These additional forms are not applicable to all employees. Examples include Form 1095-C, the Fellowship Letter, and Form 1042-S. For information on these forms, visit the Tax Statements tab on MyUW or the Payroll Help page.
Virtual session looks at the impact of mentorship on women
The Women and Leadership program at UW‒Madison is hosting a virtual session, Mentorship for Women’s Advancement, on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 11 a.m.‒2:30 p.m. This session is designed for current and emerging women faculty, staff, and student leaders across campus. The plenary will consider the role of mentors and sponsors in women’s success in the workplace. Separate breakout sessions for early-career professionals and mid- to late-career professionals will feature panelists sharing their experiences with mentorship. The program is free and open to anyone with an interest in the advancement of women on campus. Advance registration is required.
Webinar helps employees cope with grief and loss
LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, Coping with Grief and Loss, on Tuesday, Jan. 23, noon-1 p.m. via Zoom. Knowing and recognizing the symptoms of grief are the first steps toward feeling good again. Webinar participants will learn about common reactions and symptoms of grief, coping with grief and loss, the stages of grief, and letting go and moving on. The webinar is offered at no cost to all UW–Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link. For more information, go to
Project Manager Community of Practice meets monthly
Project managers across campus who are interested in sharing information, improving their skills, or have a passion for the project management practice are invited to join the Project Manager Community of Practice (CoP). The CoP meets virtually on the first Thursday of each month from 3:30‒4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 1, 2024.
Pay plan rolls out for eligible employees beginning with Jan. 11 earnings statement
In December, the state legislature’s Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) issued final approval of a pay plan for Universities of Wisconsin employees, including UW–Madison employees. The pay plan, which was included in the 2023‒25 state budget enacted in July, includes a four percent pay raise for eligible employees, retroactive to July 2, 2023, as well as a two percent increase planned for July 2024.
Eligible employees will receive back pay dated to July 2, 2023, provided as a lump sum, as well as a four percent pay increase going forward. Most employees who are eligible for the pay plan will see their back pay and rate increase in their earnings statement for Jan. 11, 2024. Earnings statements can be viewed at MyUW > Payroll Information > Earnings Statements.
Eligible employees can also expect to receive a written communication informing them of their new pay rate. Answers to frequently asked questions about the pay plan can be found at
Prepare to Teach offers resources for spring semester instructors
Prepare to Teach brings together information from across campus that instructors can use as they get ready for the start of classes. Resources include a checklist, expert help with Canvas, and assistance making course content more accessible. Ready, Set, Teach! Is a one-day workshop that will help instructors start the semester with confidence and coordination. Registration is now being accepted for the in-person workshop on Wednesday, Jan. 17, at Union South.
Registration open for Finance@UW Conference
The Finance@UW Conference is a professional development and networking opportunity for campus employees with financial roles, including those with titles in the Finance job group, as well as administrative specialists, department administrators, and others whose positions include responsibility for financial operations. The conference takes places Thursday, Feb. 15, 9 a.m.‒3:30 p.m., at Union South. The $50 registration fee includes workshops, keynote sessions, continental breakfast, and lunch. The registration deadline is January 31.
Nominations open for Partners in Giving Awards
Nominations are now being accepted for four Partners in Giving volunteer awards. Employees are encouraged to nominate campaign volunteers who have done outstanding work to support the campaign, in their units or across campus. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 4 p.m. For a description of the awards categories and the nomination form, visit
Learn how to address hostile and intimidating behavior on campus
UW‒Madison has released an updated training module to help the UW community respond to and/or address hostile and intimidating behavior (HIB). The training is designed for faculty, staff, graduate student employees, and postdocs. Participants will learn about campus HIB policies and characteristics; work with scenarios that explore what HIB is (and isn’t); and review campus processes and resources to address concerning workplace behavior. The training invites participants to consider their shared responsibility when witnessing or hearing about incidents of hostile and/or intimidating behavior. The training is available as both a self-paced, on-demand module and as a facilitated online workshop offered every 4‒6 weeks. Completion will appear on the employee’s learning transcript. Learn more at