News for Employees
Guidance for solo hazardous work available
Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) has a new online resource for employees performing work alone in hazardous or potentially hazardous environments. As part of the UW System policy on Working in Isolation, highly hazardous work may only occur with written approval. Supervisors are solely responsible for approving high-hazard work that occurs in isolation and must notify EH&S.
Working at UW on holiday break
Working at UW will be on holiday break until our next issue is published on Wednesday, Jan. 8. See you in 2025!
Sign up for electronic delivery of tax forms by Jan. 15
Active UW–Madison employees can receive W-2 and 1095-C forms via electronic-only distribution. Electronic forms are available earlier in the MyUW portal than paper forms distributed via U.S. mail. Electronic delivery is environmentally friendly and secure, with less risk of lost or stolen forms. This electronic-only consent must be completed by January 15, 2025, in order to receive your 2024 tax forms electronically.
To sign up for electronic-only consent for W-2 and 1095-C forms, go to MyUW at For the W-2/W-2c form, go to MyUW > Payroll > Tax Statements > Consent to receive W-2 electronically. For the Form 1095-C consent, go to MyUW > Payroll > Tax Statements > Consent to receive 1095-C electronically. If you do not complete the consent forms, your W-2 form will be mailed at the end of January, and your 1095-C form will be mailed by mid-February to the home address you have on file at MyUW. Go to MyUW > Personal Information to verify or update your address.
Upcoming Lunch and Learn introduces Workday
All UW employees are invited to attend a 30-minute Workday 101 Lunch and Learn on Thursday, Dec. 12, noon–12:30 p.m. via Zoom. This session will provide an introduction to Workday, the software platform that will bring together data about people, finances, and operations at UW–Madison. A demonstration of the Workday homepage, navigation, and employee self-service functions will be provided. Resources that can help employees learn more will also be shared. This is not formal employee training; training will be scheduled before Workday go-live in July 2025. This session will be recorded and will be offered again on Jan. 16, 2025. The event is hosted by ATP Change Management.
Showcase 2025 save-the-date and call for proposals
The Office of Strategic Consulting is hosting the 25th annual Showcase event on Thursday, April 17, 2025, at Union South. Showcase is designed to foster a culture of continuous improvement and organizational excellence at UW–Madison. Proposals are now being accepted for one-hour breakout sessions that provide insights into how UW–Madison can become a more effective organization and for posters about project success stories from across campus. Breakout session proposals are due by February 7. Poster proposals are due by March 7. Visit the Showcase website to learn more and register for the event.
Review your benefits enrollment
Employees are now able to review their 2025 Benefit Confirmation Statement in MyUW. To view the Confirmation Statement, go to MyUW > Benefit Information > View Benefits > Benefit Enrollment Confirmation Statements > 2025 Benefit Enrollment Confirmation Issued Nov 30, 2024. This is a good time to review the 2025 Confirmation Statement and make sure your benefits enrollments are those you elected or confirmed during the annual benefits enrollment period in October. If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to as soon as possible, or ask your local human resources contact for assistance.
Dec. 31 deadline for University Staff to request leave conversion
Eligible University Staff employees have an annual opportunity to bank set amounts of unused vacation or vacation carryover hours and/or elect to receive a cash payout. All banking or payout requests must be submitted no later than Dec. 31, 2024. Employees cannot bank or receive a cash payout for personal and legal holidays. Employees can review their leave balances and submit their vacation leave banking request in MyUW at
To check leave balances, go to MyUW > Time and Absence > Absence Balances. Eligible employees will see their Banked Leave Conversion Eligibility between the Posted leave balances and their Projected leave balances. Employees who wish to convert unused vacation to banked leave may make the request in MyUW at Time and Absence > Timesheet. Employees who need assistance should review the online instructions or speak with their supervisor or local human resources contact.
Nominations open for Administrative Improvement Awards
Each year, UW–Madison celebrates the contributions of individual employees and employee teams with the Administrative Improvement Awards. The awards recognize outstanding work that supports the mission of UW–Madison by improving efficiency in processes, increasing cost savings, or improving service delivery. The nomination deadline is Friday, Feb. 7.
Administrative Professionals Conference call for proposals
The Administrative Professionals Conference will take place on Wednesday, April 9, 8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. at Union South. The conference serves UW–Madison employees and others who would like to learn professional skills across a wide range of topics such as career management, leadership, equity, inclusion and diversity, workplace skills, relationship building, and well-being. Conference planners welcome calls for proposals from interested speakers who would like to present breakout sessions. Session proposals are due by January 17. Registration has a $135 fee and is open through March 25.
Mindfulness skills to enhance well-being
LifeMatters and the Employee Assistance Office are offering a virtual webinar, Mind-Body Wellness, on Tuesday, Dec. 17, noon‒1 p.m. This webinar teaches skills that can help participants slow down, get centered, and get focused, using mindfulness, gentle stretching, and more. The webinar is offered at no cost to all UW‒Madison employees. Register online to receive the Zoom link.