News for Employees

  • Town Hall for Employees on Split Benefits Deductions

    As previously announced, UW–Madison employees who are currently paid biweekly will have most deductions for benefits split evenly over the first two biweekly paychecks starting with the April 22, 2021 paycheck. UW System will be holding a virtual Town Hall to review this change on Tuesday, Feb. 16 from 2-3 p.m. The event will also be recorded for viewing at a later time. Details available online include frequently asked questions, financial resources, and contact information for employees who need assistance. Visit

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  • Save the Date for Showcase 2021

    The 22nd annual Showcase event, hosted by the Office of Strategic Consulting, is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2021. The all-virtual event will feature breakout sessions, poster flash talks, and a keynote presentation. Keely Killpack, PhD and change strategy consultant, will deliver the keynote presentation. Showcase provides an opportunity for colleagues from across campus to share best practices, learn from each other’s successes, and connect. The free event is open to faculty, staff, students, and community members.

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  • America Saves Week Promotes Financial Well-being

    America Saves Week, scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22–Friday, Feb. 26, provides free resources that can help UW–Madison employees achieve financial well-being, work towards their savings goals, and prepare for retirement. Events include live webinars on a variety of financial topics, individual counseling sessions with UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b) providers, and free credit check-ups with UW Credit Union. To learn more and to register for live webinars or individual sessions, visit

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  • COVID-19 Spring Semester Training for Employees

    All employees are expected to complete the COVID-19 Spring Semester Training, available online at This training covers guidelines and expectations for UW–Madison employees in the workplace and for visitors to campus. Most people will be able to complete the training in ten minutes or less. The training module will be available in multiple languages soon.

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  • Employees Paid Monthly to Move to Biweekly Payroll Schedule

    Beginning in July, all UW System employees who are paid monthly—including UW–Madison employees—will be moved to a biweekly pay schedule. In addition, most benefits will be split evenly over the first two biweekly paychecks each month beginning in August. Trained representatives are available to answer employee questions and can be reached by phoning 608-265-2257 or by emailing UW–Madison is also providing a variety of financial resources to help employees manage the transition to biweekly pay, and Town Halls will be hosted by UW System to explain the change. Details, including frequently asked questions and answers, are available at

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  • Split Benefits Deductions Coming for Employees Paid Biweekly

    For UW–Madison employees who are currently paid biweekly, most deductions for benefits such as health, dental, vision, and life insurance will be split evenly over the first two biweekly paychecks starting with the April 22, 2021 paycheck. UW System will be holding a virtual Town Hall to review this change on Tuesday, Feb. 16 from 2–3 p.m. UW–Madison employees who are affected by this change are encouraged to attend or view the recorded Town Hall later online. Trained representatives are available to answer employee questions and can be reached by phoning 608-265-2257 or by emailing Details, including employee resources and frequently asked questions and answers in multiple languages, are available at

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  • Registration Open for Teaching and Learning Symposium

    This year, the 2021 Teaching & Learning Symposium will be offered in a monthly virtual series format instead of as a one-day event. The first session will be held on February 18 with a program featuring Omar Poler on “Learning from Teejop: Indigenous Education for Our Shared Future.” Additional events are planned for March 18 and April 15. The last 30 minutes of each session will be dedicated to small group discussion. Separate registration is required for each session.

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  • Thursday Forum to Provide Updates on Campus COVID-19 Response

    An online information session is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 28, 5–6 p.m., to provide the campus community with the latest information on spring COVID-19 testing requirements and the Safer Badgers app. Panelists will talk about recent updates to the spring semester plan. They will answer the most frequently asked questions about testing site safety, how to provide test samples, building and facilities access, and other topics. The forum will be broadcast on YouTube at and will be available for viewing later.

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  • Next group of vaccine eligibility begins March 1

    On Jan. 26, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced the next set of people eligible for COVID-19 vaccination under Phase 1b in Wisconsin. Vaccination of these groups can begin March 1, depending on the availability of vaccine across the state. Eligible groups will include, in order of priority: Childcare and education (including campus child care centers and faculty and staff in higher education settings who have direct student contact), people enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs, some public-facing essential workers, non-frontline health care essential personnel, and facility staff and residents in congregate living settings (not including university residence halls or co-op housing). UW–Madison will work with these criteria to identify and notify members of the campus community of their eligibility and provide next steps for vaccination as this information is available.

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  • UW–Madison Policy Library Now Live

    The new UW–Madison Policy Library is live at The online, searchable policy library serves as the single, up-to-date resource for all university-wide polices at UW–Madison. The library features extensive search functionality that allows users to search by topic or keywords. To help maintain the integrity of the policy library, all campus constituents should use the tools and resources provided when developing new policies or revising existing policies. Any university-wide policy that is not in the library will not be considered official policy.

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