News for Employees
Mask Mandate on Buses in Effect Through April 18
Bus passengers are required to wear masks through April 18 in accordance with federal health guidelines. The guidelines apply to all Madison Metro Transit routes, including campus bus routes, as well as UW park and ride and accessible circulator shuttles. Masks are also required at all transfer points and shelters. For more information, visit the News section at
Become a Candidate for University Staff Congress
Seats are now open in the University Staff Congress. University Staff who would like to serve on the Congress are invited to declare their candidacy. Congress members meet with campus administration and have a voice in discussions about campus policy. Members meet once a month for a one-year term and participate without loss of pay. Elections will be held to determine the Congress representatives from each district. To become a candidate for Congress, send an email stating that you wish to run for Congress to John Lease, Secretary of the University Staff, at You can also visit the Office of the Secretary in 271 Bascom Hall during regular business hours. Language assistance is available. The last day to self-nominate is April 4 at 1 p.m.
Academic Staff Institute Registration Open
This year’s Academic Staff Institute (ASI) will be held Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 9 a.m.–12:35 p.m. followed by lunch, at Union South. ASI is an annual professional development conference for UW–Madison academic staff. This year’s conference will feature a keynote address by Sarah Nolan, director of mental health services at UW–Madison, as well as breakout sessions on topics including retirement benefits, self-advocacy, career management, stress relief, interactive classroom learning, the Title and Total Compensation Project, and more. The $14 registration fee includes lunch. Registration is open through March 29 at
Women and Leadership Symposium Call for Proposals
The Women and Leadership Symposium will take place Wednesday, June 1, at Union South. Those who are interested in presenting at the event are invited to submit a proposal by April 15. Sessions should promote the learning and growth of current and future women leaders; possible session topics are provided on the website. The conference registration fee will be waived for accepted presenters. The symposium is open to anyone interested in women’s advancement. Registration details and an event agenda will be announced soon.
Campus Forum on Thursday will Provide Answers to COVID-19 Questions
University experts will answer submitted and live questions at the next online COVID-19 Update, scheduled for Thursday, March 10, noon–1 p.m. The forum will be streamed live on YouTube at Questions for the panelists may be submitted at The presentation will be captioned, and a recording of the forum will be posted on after the event. Employees are encouraged to visit regularly in order to stay up-to-date on campus news and developments related to the pandemic.
Coffee and Conversation Event Looks at Empowering Women
A “Coffee and Conversation” event, part of the Women and Leadership series hosted by Learning and Talent Development, will be held on Thursday, March 31, in Tripp Commons at the Memorial Union. The event is scheduled for 8–10 a.m., with a panel discussion from 8:30–9:30 a.m. and time devoted to networking. In celebration of Women’s History Month, woman leaders from across campus will engage in questions and answers that reflect on lessons learned, advancing a career during a pandemic, and creating a culture that supports and empowers women. Panelists will also provide advice for those who wish to advocate for themselves in their current positions, and those preparing to advance their role. The event is free and open to anyone on campus with an interest in the advancement of women. Advance registration is requested.
Survey Seeks Employee Input on Professional Development Programming
Learning and Talent Development at UW–Madison is conducting a survey to gather employee input on conferences and other programming designed to enhance professional and personal development. Survey responses will be used to assess the effectiveness of current programming and will help shape future events tailored to the needs of employees. Respondents may keep their responses confidential if preferred. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, March 25. If you have comments or questions, please email
Campus Masking Mandate in Effect through March 11
To provide consistency through midterm exams, the university’s indoor masking requirement remains in place through March 11. Effective March 12, anyone who chooses may continue to wear a mask; the university will continue to provide masks at no cost to employees and students. Details and FAQs are available online. Public Health Madison & Dane County also offers advice on how to consider masking when it is no longer required.
Forums Keep Campus Community Informed on Health and Safety Issues
This is a time of transition in public health guidance nationally, locally, and on campus. To help faculty, staff, and students navigate these changes, UW–Madison is holding campus forums where university leaders answer questions from the campus community. A recording of the first forum, which took place Feb. 24, is available at There will be another forum on March 10 on YouTube at this link: To stay up-to-date on the campus response to COVID-19, please continue to monitor the website at
Showcase and AIA Events Coming Up on March 8
Showcase 2022, scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 8 a.m.–3:45 p.m. at Union South, is an opportunity for employees to come together and share best practices, learn from each other’s successes, and connect. The event features poster exhibits, poster flash talks, breakout sessions, and a keynote presentation by Chancellor Rebecca Blank. Register by 5 p.m. on March 7 to receive access to the online breakout sessions; walk-ins are also welcome but will not receive access to the online sessions. Following Showcase, there will be an awards ceremony for recipients of the Administrative Improvement Award (AIA) from 4–5 p.m., also at Union South. Refreshments will be served. Registration for the AIA ceremony is encouraged by March 3 but is not required. To register, email