News for Employees

  • Attend a Title and Total Compensation Project Forum

    UW–Madison employees are invited to attend upcoming informational forums about the Title and Total Compensation Project (TTC). Attendees will learn how the project will benefit individual careers and the university. Project updates will be shared. Sessions will be held at various locations around campus on Tuesday, April 16, Wednesday, April 17, and Tuesday, April 23. The sessions on April 17 (late night) and April 23 (daytime) will be facilitated in English, Spanish, Hmong, Nepalese, Mandarin, and Tibetan. Advance registration is not required. For details, visit

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  • Registration Open for Information and Technology Leadership Conference

    The Sixth Annual Information and Technology Leadership Conference will take place on Tuesday, April 9 from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. at Union South. The conference theme is “From Hindsight to Foresight: Leading Holistically in a Data-Enabled Institution.” The keynote and breakout sessions will focus on how higher education leaders at all levels can use data to transform their organizations, create, coach, and grow. The conference fee of $50 includes breakfast, lunch, and refreshments. The deadline to register is Tuesday, April 2.

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  • Become a Badger Well-Being Champion

    UW–Madison Employee Wellness is inviting staff and faculty members to serve as Badger Well-Being Champions. Volunteers who join the Well-Being Champion Network will help create a culture of well-being in their work units. Champions will work with UW–Madison Employee Wellness to support employee health and well-being and help achieve their work unit’s goals. Individual volunteers and departments will be recognized for their efforts. Well-Being Champions agree to serve a one-year term and commit approximately one to two hours per month to the initiative.

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  • Summer Camps Offer Fun with Chemistry

    Registration is now open for Fun with Chemistry summer camps, offered by the Institute for Chemical Education at UW–Madison. Four week-long sessions are offered in the afternoons starting June 17.  The camps focus on chemistry, invention, forensic science, and engineering. Campers entering grades 5 through 8 get hands-on experience with a variety of experiments in the lab. Pick-up and drop-off are at the Chemistry Building, 1101 University Ave. The cost is $230 per week, with partial scholarships available for those with financial need. Please contact Jack McCann at with any questions.

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  • Become a Candidate for University Staff Congress

    Seats are now open in the University Staff Congress. University Staff who would like to serve on the Congress are invited to declare their candidacy. Congress members meet with campus administration and have a voice in discussions about campus policy. Members meet once a month for a one-year term and participate without loss of pay. Elections will be held to determine the Congress representatives from each district. To become a candidate for Congress, go to or visit the Office of the Secretary in 271 Bascom Hall. Language assistance is available. The last day to self nominate is Friday, April 12.

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  • Nominations Open for Community-University Awards

    Nominations are being accepted for the 2019 UW–Madison Community-University Partnership Awards. The awards recognize the work of UW–Madison faculty, staff, and students and their community partners as they address timely public issues across the State of Wisconsin. These awards offer an opportunity to thank UW’s community partners and highlight collaborative projects that contribute to the public good. Any UW–Madison employee or student may nominate a partnership. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, April 10.

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  • Badger Sports Camps Open for Registration

    The UW–Madison Division of Intercollegiate Athletics offers summer camps for children and youth in a wide variety of sports. Camps are led by University of Wisconsin coaches, current and former student-athletes, and camp staff. At Badger Sports Camps, campers have fun while becoming better athletes in their respective sports. All camps are held on the UW campus. Learn more and register at

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  • Workplace Workouts at Union South

    A new session of Workplace Workouts will start on Wednesday, March 27 at Union South. The weekly workouts are scheduled from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Personal trainers from Rec Sports lead exercises that can be done anywhere. Each six-week session costs $30. All fitness levels and abilities are welcome, and a Rec Sports membership is not required. Registration is also open for Workplace Workouts at the Memorial Union starting Tuesday, April 30. Register at

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  • Celebrate Women's History Month on Friday

    This Friday, March 15, the Campus Workers Collective will sponsor a celebration of Women’s History Month from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Lake Mendota Room at DeJope Residence Hall. The event is free and open to the public. State Representative Melissa Sargent will deliver the keynote presentation. A hot lunch will be served. UW–Madison employees may attend without loss of pay, and advance registration is not required.

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  • Outside Employment Reporting for University Staff

    UW–Madison University Staff employees are not prohibited from accepting outside employment, provided that the outside employment does not interfere with their duties to the university. UW System policy prohibits University Staff employees from accepting outside employment that causes a conflict of interest with their university employment. If a University Staff member is considering or is currently working an additional job outside the UW, they need to self-determine if the outside job duties are in conflict with their UW job duties. In these situations, employees should provide details about the outside employment to their supervisor. The supervisor will let the employee know if they are able to start or continue with the outside employment. University Staff members who are not sure whether they need to take action or have questions about the policy should speak with their supervisor.

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